Hello my dear friends, how are you? In the previous post I promised you that I will tell you the secret of the mask used by Catherine the Great , empress of Russia. She was a very interesting and intriguing lady with the capacity to manipulate with her lovers, many of them. She was a good and smart ruler but big seductress as well. No one actually came up with the exact number of her love affairs. One of her lovers was responsible for the death of her husband but she was never legally accused that she had anything to do with it but there was a lot of rumors on this subject. Russian traditional population was shocked with her life style, clergy of the Orthodox Church did not like her but all of them were afraid of her. From all of her children, the oldest Paul was the only child she had with her late husband but even for him no one knew who was his father for sure. She was a very wise women, nourished and very capable in manipulating men. For her, everyone said that she was always looking healthy and fresh and her secret was the face mask which is very efficient in reducing puffiness from the face, especially around eyes even though it is not applied on this part. You should apply this mask on the face, neck and chest. Try this mask and let me know how you like it.


1 grated apple

2 table spoons of grated pumpkin

1 table spoon of lemon juice

1 table spoon of olive oil

1 table spoon of honey

I wish you to be healthy, beautiful and nurished.



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