Winter face & body scrub
In this post, my dear friends, you will find the recipe for winter face & body scrub. This scrub is very efficient and it should be used only once a week and no longer than 4 times in the row. After 4 weeks of using it you need to make a break. Also, it is not recommended to be exposed to the Sun the day after you use it. You may use this scrub only during the winter period because this scrub is some kind of natural homemade chemical peel. Be aware of that, use it as recommended and in case you are allergic to some of the ingredients – DO NOT USE THIS SCRUB.
In a smaller jar add unrefined sea salt. This amount of salt will be enough for 4 times. Add juice of 1 lemon, mix it good. After that add some olive oil, the mixture needs to be homogeneous. If you like, you may add some essential oil, not more than 20-25 droops.
Dear friends, until our next meeting, be beautiful, healthy and nurtured. By the way, did you make a challenge for yourself? Just to get your imagination and attention…in my next post I will reveal you the secret of the Russian empress Catherine the Great actually her secret face mask. Do not be impatient and SEE YOU SOON-)))