Hands and foot mask

Hello my dear friends. How are you? Enjoying December holidays? I enjoy every moment of it. Beside joy, peace and happiness, December for all housewife’s is a little bit difficult, full of work. While our family members enjoy we have to cook, clean and prepare everything. As a result, our hands pay the full price. In one of my previous posts, I wrote that we have the same amount of skin on our face and on our hands. Beside that fact, our hands and face are always exposed so this are the first parts that age on our body. Not long ago, maybe 10 days ago I got this recipe from a friend of mine with remark that this is the only mask that helps her skin recover. I tried it twice and I gave to all of my friends to try as well. I have to be honest, I used this on my feet as well. I like this treatment and my hands look nourished even if I worked very hard in the house during this period.
Mix well 1 egg yolk, 1 table spoon of honey and 1 table spoon of olive oil. I mix it with a wooden spoon to prevent honey from oxydizing. I put this mask on my hands and feet, then I put plastic gloves on or simple plastic bag and overb it I put gloves on my hands and socks on my feet. Keep it on as long as possible. I like it, my hands really look nourished.
Thank you my dear Ana K.
Be healthy, beautiful and nourished.