Rose water


Hello my dear friends, how are you? In today’s post I would like to share with you  a little trick which may help you with the typical summer problem when your skin feels oily and your make up is smeared all over your face.

All of you, my dear regular visitors of my blog, by now probably know that my favourite historical personality is the empress Theodora. Among many good thing she did, she was smart, wise, brave, itelligent and beautiful, this wanderful woman was also nourished. Even Procopius in his Secret History wrote for her that she was a real women blessed with all nessecery virtues by God himself. Procopius and Theodora were enemies but they did respect each other. This proves that both of them were great personalities capable of having respect even for their personal enemies.

Empress Theodora was a great fan ( loved, adored ) roses, rose water, rose oil…Rose water was the secret ingredient of her face cream, rose oil was the base for her massage oil that she used regulary, day by day. She loved rose oil so much that her last wish was to have her body massaged with this oil when she died, for the last time.

I will also share with you the recipe of her body massage oil, but  today I would like to write about rose water.

In case you have mixed type of skin like Theodora did, here are some of the ways to use this wanderful water that is also one of the oldest cosmetic  … “agents” in the whole world for skin, body and hair care.

I use rose water as the best thing for hydration during the summer. It’s something that I always have in my bag during the summer. You may spray your face with rose water , use it as a fixator  even if your wearing only light make up (heavy make up during the summer can create big problems) .

When you finish with your regula morning routine, sprey rose water on and continue to do it all day. This way you will avoid the feeling that your face is oily. Rose water is great for all of you with mixed and oily type of skin. It will reduce pores  and it takes care of muscle tone.

Rose water will also help your hair grow faster. Mix the same volumes of rose water and your hair conditioner and add some cider vinegar ( 1 table spoon in case you have oily type of hair you may add more). This conditioner will not only help you grow your hair but also it will help your hair to stay clean longer.

Try it and may be the rose water will  become your favorite cosmetic ingredient, just like empress Theodora’s was.

Be beautiful, healthy and nourished.

See you soon in Novi Sad 30.07.2016.-)))