Summer day cream


Hello my dear friends, how are you? For today, one short post with a day cream recipe. This cream is perfect for mixed and oily type of skin. Also, this cream is perfect for summer, it may be used as a make up base. Put on a little bit of cream, let the skin absorbe it  and do your make up normaly.


1,5 table spoones of bee wax

3 table spoones of coconut oil

6 table spoones of sweet almond oil

1 tea spoone of castor oil

1 capsul of vitamin E

Few drops of essential oil

25 ml of pure rose water


Melt bee wax with coconut oil. Let it cool down a little bit. In a blender add sweet almond oil, castor oil, vitamin E and essential oil, and mix it well. Add cocnut oil and bee wax, mix it and while mixing it add rose water. Putt the cream in a glass jar and keep it in the fridge.

Be beautiful, healthy and nourished.