Hello my dear friends, how are you? Do you enjoy those days when spring is so close? Step by step nature is waiking up and spring is in the air. During this time of year our skin needs more attention than usual. During the winter, cold air, domestic heat, all of that dehidrate our skin and we need something to help us. There is one easy trik that will make our skin fresh and glowing in no time. All we need is one banana actualy banana peel. Yes, banana peel. We all know that banana is full od vitamines C, B6, potassium, manganese….but banana peel is full of calcium all we need to regenerate our skin. So, take the banana peel and rub the inside all over your face. Leave it on about 30 min and then wash with water in zhich you have previously put some lemon peel. So, today we are useing fruit peels in beauty treatments. One more thing, banana and lemon needs to be organic.
Be beautiful, nurished and healthy.